Terrific Kids is a character-building program that recognizes students for modifying their behavior. The program encourages kids to become the best version of themselves. Kids determine what being terrific means to them, then develop their own goals and use peer mentoring to hold themselves accountable for the actions they take each week. When a participant achieves their goal, her or she is recognized for being a Terrfic Kid.
In 1933, the Shawnee Kiwanis Club began Little Olympics, an annual event that has impacted the lives of children for decades. This event promotes physical activity but also fosters a sense of friendly competition, encouraging youngsters to showcase their athletic talents in a fun and supportive environment. The coveted Golden Trackshoe serves as a symbol of achievement and camaraderie, making Little Olympics a memorable and motivational experience for the aspiring athletes.
Our Backpacks for Kids program is an ongoing program in partnership with local schools that gives children the essentials that they may not have had time to grab before leaving, alongside books and/or other fun items such as small toys or stuffed animals.